Gretchen Evans – Retired Army Command Sergeant Major, Author & Athlete
Gretchen Evans spent 27 years in the Army. Her final deployment ended her career after injuries from a mortar round left her deaf. She was not ready to finish her service in the Army but didn’t have a choice. This didn’t stop her from continuing to serve.
After an admittedly rough transition Evans decided to put her efforts into writing a book. The book “Leading From the Front” is a compilation of stories of the men and women Evans served with. Evans loved her military career and continues to serve as a mentor to young soldiers through her work with Veteran Service Organizations. One of those organizations is No Barriers. They help “improve the lives of veterans with disabilities through curriculum-based experiences that help veterans reconnect with purpose, rediscover identity and find community.
As a way to help her own mental battles, Gretchen has a passion for running, hiking and just pure adventure. In 2019 she competed in the “Eco-Challenge”, the world’s toughest race. She created her own team called “Unbroken” that was made up of military veterans, each with their own war scars. They raced through Fiji facing extreme terrain and harsh conditions despite their own physical challenges.
Check out who else has stepped into the Veteran Crowd Spotlight.
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About Your Host

Bob Louthan is a VMI Graduate, Army veteran, and executive with over 25 years of experience in mergers, acquisitions and private capital formation. He founded the VeteranCrowd Network to bring veterans and veteran-led businesses together with each other and the resources they need to prosper.