Louise Valentine – Military Spouse, Competitive Athlete, Author & Wellness Expert
Louise Valentine had created her dream job working with professional athletes. But, as every military spouse knows those jobs are hard to hold onto when moving is inevitable. Louise had developed a passion to empower others to live healthy and vibrant lives. This along with her own health diagnosis, led Louise to continue to pursue her education and career options in health at each duty station. She is currently the director for the innovative Vheda Health disease management platform. Check out a special offer from Vheda Health below.
Team Valentine Project
Louise created, the Team Valentine Project website as a platform that would be with her no matter where she moved. Louise shares “simple and realistic ways to make wellness work”. In addition to her website, she recently published “The Art of Breaking Through: Five Simple Steps to Take on Any Challenge & Tackle Self-Doubt” book. This best-selling book walks the reader through five steps to overcoming any challenge they face.
Louise wants you to feel empowered and educated to achieve your health goals. Learn how to connect with Louise below.
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Learn More:
Website: https://www.teamvalentineproject.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/TeamProjectValentine
Instagram: www.instagram.com/teamprojectvalentine
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/louise-valentine-mph/
PURCHASE The Art of Breaking Through: Five Simple Steps to Take on Any Challenge
& Tackle Self-Doubt on Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Art-Breaking-Through-
All proceeds from the book go to support my father’s on-going cancer treatments and medical bills.
You can also gift The Art of Breaking Through to others in a Care Crate Co. Corporate Care Package: https://www.thecarecrateco.com/corporate-gifts/
Link to FREE “The Art of Breaking Through Worksheet”: https://www.teamvalentineproject.com/products
Link to Vheda Health: https://vheda.com/friends-and-family/ Use coupon code, vetcrowd15 to receive 15% off
VeteranCrowd Partners:
Cardomax: Committed to producing the highest quality, liquid-based single serve supplements featuring clean ingredients. Use coupon code VeteranCrowd to receive Buy one, get one free on your first order.
About Your Host

Bob Louthan is a VMI Graduate, Army veteran, and executive with over 25 years of experience in mergers, acquisitions and private capital formation. He founded the VeteranCrowd Network to bring veterans and veteran-led businesses together with each other and the resources they need to prosper.