Brendan Duebner – Army Veteran, Founder & CEO of Life Skills for Soldiers
“We know that when service members are more financially secure, there’s less issues at home, there’s less issues with food insecurity, stress, there’s less security clearance revocations, less missed work time. There’s more productivity, there’s more retention, there’s just more readiness.”
This is the driving force for Life Skills for Soldiers. Brendan Duebner, founder and CEO, served on active duty as an Army Artillery Officer before continuing his service in the Army Reserves. During his active duty time, he realized that the majority of problems were generated from personnel problems and finances or money played a large role. Taking this into account he worked to create classes to teach his soldiers basic financial literacy and saw a huge impact. This led to founding Life Skills for Soldiers. Brendan is continuing his service in the Army Reserve’s 75th Innovation Command. He has a passion for leveraging personal finance to better the lives of service members.
Life Skills for Soldiers
“Life Skills for Soldiers is a 501c3 nonprofit that is solving the military’s personal finance problem by providing Commander’s tools to stand up unit programs. Specifically LSFS creates content and software tailored for military audiences that leverages the train-the-trainer methodology to improve the financial lives of service members’ and their families, build better leaders, and increase readiness.”
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VeteranCrowd Network
Our “forever promise” is to build the veteran and military spouse community a place to connect and engage. VeteranCrowd is simply a national network of veterans, veteran led businesses and the resources they need to prosper. Subscribe to stay in touch.
by VeteranCrowd Network
Why do thousands of merchants put us through a bootcamp to join their loyalty program? Why do they make checkout an obstacle course?
It’s embarrassing. Time consuming. Intrusive. Cumbersome. Broken.
Because no one ever built a simple & secure way to validate our veteran status at checkout.
Until now.
Want to be recognized at select merchants simply by swiping your existing Visa card?
Join our waitlist and be one of the first veterans to have this power in your wallet.
About Your Host

Bob Louthan is a VMI Graduate, Army veteran, and executive with over 25 years of experience in mergers, acquisitions and private capital formation. He founded the VeteranCrowd Network to bring veterans and veteran-led businesses together with each other and the resources they need to prosper.