Jay Jackson spent 15 year serving in the Air Force. He started out in security forces and ended up in air traffic control. His transition out was not what he planned, but took the challenge head on harnessing his entrepreneurial spirit. He first started, Serve, Impact and Prosper, a consulting agency and later was introduced to buying businesses. This led to the launch of Galaxy Group. He would tell you he’s always had entrepreneurship in his bones. Even while on active duty he had a food truck and a lawn care business. Once hanging up the uniform it was a natural path to continue to follow.
“Whatever it is that you’re thinking about doing, and it’s scary right now, do it! Lean into it! Start right now. Don’t hesitate. The time will never be right. You’ll never have enough money, you’ll never have enough support, but as you continue to move forward, the support and the resources will present themselves.”
Serve, Impact and Prosper helps coaches and consultants scale their business without the complicated ads and sales funnels. Jay’s experience of 15 years starting, buying and growing businesses will help you in your own business. He is looking to grow his community in the Tampa, FL area.
Galaxy Group has acquired three different companies over the last two years and they’re not stopping there. Their goal is to have over 20 million dollars in revenue. In addition Jay is on a mission to transform 1 billion lives.
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Learn More
Website: tableofceos.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/li/jay-jackson-coaching
VeteranCrowd Network
Our “forever promise” is to build the veteran and military spouse community a place to connect and engage. VeteranCrowd is simply a national network of veterans, veteran led businesses and the resources they need to prosper. Subscribe to stay in touch, or consider if Individual or Corporate Membership in the Network is a fit for you.
About Your Host

Bob Louthan is a VMI Graduate, Army veteran, and executive with over 25 years of experience in mergers, acquisitions and private capital formation. He founded the VeteranCrowd Network to bring veterans and veteran-led businesses together with each other and the resources they need to prosper.